In Inspiration

Check the attitude: Monday’s Inspiration.

IMG_1884“It may sound trite, but today is the only time you have. It’s too late for yesterday. And you can’t depend on tomorrow. That’s why today matters.”

John C. Maxwell, in Today Matters


I am reading John Maxwell’s Today Matters as a further resource from the Money Saving Mom’s Make Over Your Evenings e-course.  He takes his readers through “12 daily practices to guarantee tomorrow’s success”. But to begin, he illustrates why today is all that you are in control of. He challenges you to look at making today a masterpiece. You take the journey with him examining 12 areas that contribute to the masterpiece each day. This morning’s area I examined was ATTITUDE. It makes sense to me why he chose it as the first. Without control over your attitude, it is hard to move the needle in all the other areas.

He says “Possessing a great attitude is like having a secret weapon.”

This morning, I am challenged to examine my attitude. I am asking the question:

“Is your attitude a plus or minus today?”

As the kids wake up, as the laundry piles grow, as the messes ensue, and as I doubt myself most steps of the way in homeschooling J, is my attitude going to be a weapon of self-destruction or of fortification? Will I build up my boys so they can do that for others, or will I take them down in the battle?  All I have is today.  What I did yesterday cannot be reversed or perfected. But thanks be to God that it can be redeemed with another today.

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